Thursday, March 11, 2010

Only in This House...

I have decided, what better way to write than to write randoms in my blog; thus incorporating my life and writing into one tidy little box. Although, my life is far from tidy, what with four kids (only two are my own) running around all day. We enjoy ourselves and that is what makes this chaotic life, absolutely beautiful. There are times that it is complete insanity and all the kids are fighting and yelling. Then there are times when everyone is getting along and all that can be seen are smiles and all that can be heard is the sweet sound of giggles and gut-busting laughter. We play our music too loud and dance around with the shades drawn up, not caring if a passerby stops to watch -- or laugh. The TV may be turned on with cartoons showing constantly, but the kids seldom watch for more than a few minutes at a time before imaginations are in full swing. Not one child notices when I switch off the TV, and if one does notice, there is rarely a tantrum and play is continued.

Only in this house, could window washing consist of princess dresses, baby wipes and giggles. Only in this house, could four children have so much fun wiping down windows and woodwork for twenty minutes without so much as a frusterated yelp. Only in this house...

<3 This life is Crazy....
This life is Beautiful...
This life, is Mine<3

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